05 setembro 2008

I've always regarded British man as introspective, politely-boring-grey kind of figures. i've now come to the conclusion that they're rather the opposite. Somehow they have manage to overcome that shyness (that probably I've created) and show that they can be very interactive... They have no problems whatsoever when it comes to approaching a girl . ( Even if she's married. Of course that they wouldn't know..)..Anyway,
About a month ago, when i was randomly strolling along 7 Dials near Convent Garden, carrying only my camera and my i-pod with me, taking some pictures while i flew away with the songs i was listening to, i was approached by a blond , blue-eyed english guy, who just declared: "I'm sorry to interrupt you... I know this may sound crazy..." .."but..." (By this time i was honestly thinking that he was either lost looking for some help or mistaking me for somebody else). ..."i just want you to know.." he continued..."(so ok, not looking for directions..)... And as i awkwardly waited for the rest of the sentence looking as astonished as surprised as one could imagine, browsing in my head a bunch of possibilities of what he might be saying next ( It's incredibly how time sometimes just stops allowing us to do so..) , he finally said: " i just want you to know that you look incredibly cute". I just wish that time i wasn't the victim so i could have snapped a photo of my own face as the mist of incredibility and appreciation surely resulted in the most yellow face one can imagine. " well...thank you...i guess..". And when the situation couldn't get any more awkward he added: " Do you dance? "
That was it! I was out of there!! Literally ran away. It did filled up my ego for the rest of the day, i do have to say...
This morning as i was walking along Upper T. Road looking for the social insurance bureau, late, no make-up, looking as scary as hell, i was approached by another Britishman who just ran into me , looked me in the eye and seriously said: "i love you".
Jesus!! It was 8.30am! Drunk already?
Maybe that's just it. English men do drink a lot....

6 comentários:

elisabete duarte disse...

uma morenassa dessas ai pelas ruas palidas de Londres...ta visto! ainda bem que foste casada! LOL brinco! la que e's giras e's...mas eles devem beber muito devem, declaracoes de amor a essas horas da manha...bem....

João Ricardo disse...

Hei! And for those who don't speak english?

Unknown disse...

Quem te ouvir até pode pensar que não é normal teres uma legião de fãs desde que aprendeste a caminhar! Ou queres que te recorde o nº de tentativas de suicídio que houve no dia do teu casamento???

P.S.: E qual é o problema de dar um pezinho de dança com um estranho, hein?

Ss disse...


Anónimo disse...

Nem de proposito, ontem tb recebi um telefonema aqui no gabinete de um homem que ca' esteve a semana passada: You didn't notice me because you were very busy, but I thought you were very sweet, so I'm wondering if you would like to have a coffee some time... eu tive a mesma reaccao que tu, mas ao telefone: No, thank you!puuuuuuu

Anónimo disse...

Hilariante !